Kathrin Senf Latali (Georgia), in the mountains of Svaneti

The easiest way to travel to the Soviet Union without an invitation and the obligation to report on arrival was to apply for a transit visa for Romania. And this is what we did. Our goal was Georgia. At that time this region was full of unrest and revolt, a demonstration for Georgian independence had been bloodily suppressed in April, there were simmering conflicts with Abkhazia and South Ossetia …
We were impressed by this distant, exciting country, but the closer we got to the Caucasus, the higher we climbed in the mountains of Svaneti, the more the journey seemed to be a journey backwards in time.
Two brothers in the mountain village of Latali gave us shelter for many days. Whilst they went about their tasks using only the simplest of tools, we explored the surrounding area, the snow-capped Ushba (4737m) appeared almost within touching distance. Together with the entire village community, we celebrated the Lataw festival in honour of the dead.
Cut with a scythe on the steep slopes, the corn was carried to even ground and prepared for threshing. Each family baked its own bread.