Bernd Borchardt Between Putbus and Neukamp on Ruegen . Hikers

Attached photo from the suspenseful year was produced a good week after the fall of the Wall. At this weekend almost everyone was on his way toward the West with Wartburgs and Trabis. Despite great curiosity and joy, this was not our thing. The short visit in West Berlin with a 100 Mark-present and subsequent Barbie purchase was already behind us.
Like every year in autumn, my wife and I were on our way to Ruegen. There we lived in Sassnitz at this time, celebrating our wedding anniversary and undertaking short trips and walking tours on the island. And that way the November in its very own romantic seduced us to look for the Garz castle mound. For a myth reported that the beautiful princess Swanvithe lived here and showed herself on this castle mound every hundred years.
Shortly before that, this photo was produced. We could not clearly locate the castle mound, nonetheless the atmosphere was somehow -magically diffuse with the nature appearing a little indecisive to get involved with the darkness and the release or to remain waiting and stay in the dreamy light of the parting autumn.